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Welcome to the website of the Bike Paradise Non-Stop Marathon!

A race through the heart of the Bohemian Paradise in its greatest beauty and accessibility. The route of the race leads through the most beautiful places of our region and the result of some participants is paradoxically not the result, but the experience! This is also an opportunity to embrace our race. But it is a race to
navigation, unassisted, unsupported, and each competitor is on their own for the entire route.

The 2025 edition will start on 23 August in Sobotka and will now take place on two routes of 290 and 180 kilometres!

Entry fee for route I. 290km – 1.450kč
Entry fee for route II. 180km – 1.250kč

!Maximum number of competitors for both routes is 100!

Thanks to our partners, the entry fee includes meals before and after the race. Parking in the start and finish area, toilet, shower, bike washing area, loaned GPS tracker FollowMe for tracking your location, etc. Newly, each competitor will receive a commemorative medal at the finish line – Finisher Bike Paradise!

For the race on both routes there are categories for MEN and WOMEN without age division.

The race is run in normal road traffic and at your own risk! Since we are riding in the Bohemian Paradise Protected Landscape Area, we strictly observe the basics of good behaviour towards nature and visitors in the Protected Landscape Area in general and in the pre-race meeting we thoroughly
we will discuss it thoroughly. Keep in mind that one day we will be „messed up“ and we are done. Fortunately, these races are attended by mostly decent and experienced greasers who don’t dare to throw anything away.

Thank you

Bez čeho Vás nepustíme na start (Povinná výbava):
Pravidla, filozofie a informace o našem závodu
Časové informace o závodě

Další a aktuální informace budeme průběžně doplňovat na FCB
profilu závodu a důležité informace dostanou všichni přihlášení na svůj email.

Těšíme se na start!